She is a song catcher. Catches songs right out of the air! ” - Bobby McFerrin
One of the most creative producers and performers I ever met.” - Artur Pasecinic

Music is Freedom

And one of the greatest playgrounds on Earth

I learned to understand the frequency of sound since early childhood. 

Now I play with it in all it's spectrum. 

I'm in love with diversity, soul, funk, afrobeat and all the music, 

as long as it grooves. 


Creation has no limits. The earth is heaven, if we understand that this is true. 

Come see my live shows, join my vocal impro workshops 

or let's write a song together.

I'm looking forward to seeing you, Dear friend.   


My New Album White Cat on All Platforms

Press photos

White Cat Tour February 2024. More TBA. Artwork by Laara Bonn

Live at Tipografia, Brasov. Foto by Andrei Burcea

Live at Jazzbook, Bucharest. Foto by Lu Elman

Zeyla's Singing Circle @ Sambodhi Studio, Bucharest. Foto by Lu Elman


Zeyla Tomlyn Live

Zeyla's singing circle